Professional and Personal Success Workshops

Joyce Kaplan offers three types of workshops:

Stand-alone workshops on soft skills

These interactive Lunch ‘n Learn or training workshops are on topics of general application in the workplace. The topics and content can be customized for specific work groups.

The workshop design responds to the needs of different groups and learning styles. Optimum group size ranges from 6-20 participants.

Participants work individually, in pairs and as a group. Volunteers may be coached briefly, benefiting others with similar issues. The experiential aspects allow participants to consider and apply the learning directly to their circumstances – making it real for them!

Sample topics include:

    • Taking the BITE© Out of Feedback
    • Tools to Stress Less
    • Managing Time & Tasks

Law Firm Workshop Participant feedback:

A majority of participants rated their learning as significant

“I now have better resources to release stress.”

“You’ve reminded us to start simple … so we can get started towards our goals.”

Workshops as a component of team coaching and workplace retreatsteamwork

These workshops are designed as an integral part of team coaching or workplace retreat assignments.

The content addresses the desired outcomes of the specific assignments. This can be anything from improving communication within the group to  clarifying roles and processes.

Office Manager

“We could not have done it without Joyce.”

Career workshops for people in professional service firms, other organizations, or on their own

The length, focus, themes and optimum size are customized according to each organization’s professional development and succession planning objectives; or the common interest of the individuals for whom a workshop is designed. 

Sample topics:career2

  • Take Control of Your Career
  • What’s Your Calling Card?

Participant feedback:

Based on participant evaluations from all events held by the Canadian Tamil Alumni Association in 2013: 

“You were our highest ranked speaker for 2013 – 9.2/10”

Contact Joyce about a customized workshop