Joyce Kaplan B.C.L., LL.B., A.C.P.C. Your Success Facilitator, Business & Career Coach

For Accelerated Professional and Personal Results

Coaching is a dynamic process that moves you from where you are to where you really want to be. Both a science and an art, coaching evolves with your goals and your progress.

Do any of these goals resonate with you?2014 J Super Version

    • Making partner: jump the hurdle
    • Leading: excel in a new management role
    • Team building: accelerate team productivity, collaboration and communication
    • Transitioning: optimize the potential of a voluntary or involuntary career or job change
    • Starting out: identify work that excites you – find or create it

Or, do you simply wonder “what’s next?”

Coaching leverages your motivation to change

success keyYou can realize your unique goals with Joyce’s customized business , lawyer and career solutions

Joyce Kaplan, Business and Career Coach, Toronto

 Award-winning certified professional coach who helps you achieve success – as you define it – professionally and personally.  25 years +  law and management experience.

Specialty: lawyers and other professionals, solopreneurs, executives, new leaders, business teams, and recent graduates – who are facing a new challenge or choice.

Focus areas: business performance, leadership, teamwork, and career design and job transition coaching.succes kid word

Methods: one-on-one or team coaching, and workshops; in person, by phone or on-line, from Toronto to anywhere in the world; or with her network of talented colleagues.

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