Author Archives: joyce
4 Things You Must Read Before Every Job Interview

Whatever job you’re interviewing for, there are four things you absolutely must read before the interview: Continue reading
Passion Pays Back

Passions – mine include poetry and coaching. What are yours? As a coach, I understand and support clients’ desire to make room for their passions – from family to running marathons, playing music or just being goofy with your friends … Continue reading
Taking the BITE© out of Feedback

When you hear the word “feedback”, what’s your reaction on the scale of negative to positive? My first reaction used to be negative – uh oh – here we go – until I learned more about feedback. At its best and most basic… Continue reading
Managing People – the Penguin Story

In the middle of an IMAX movie on Antarctica, I had an aha moment about managing people. It was the last night of a course I was taking about managing people, and the first time I had ever seen penguins under water! Continue reading