Performance Coaching
Managing Partner, Ottawa Law Firm
“I hired Joyce Kaplan to coach high-potential associates in areas identified for professional development to prepare them for partnership. With her background as a lawyer and manager, Joyce understood what I wanted.”
Results: “Joyce worked with them to successfully achieve the desired outcomes. These included improved productivity; increased billable hours; better collaboration with assistants and others in the firm; and growing their practices.”
In-house Counsel, Public Company, Toronto
” Joyce assisted me in establishing milestones and goals and in defining the “how” of achievement in ways that allowed me to be most effective. Beyond this, she offered encouragement and feedback on my success along the way to completion.”
Results: Multiple deliverables successfully completed on time at work and for an LL.M. research paper that was subsequently published in a Law Journal.
Solopreneur, Toronto
“From the time I began working with Joyce, about a year ago,
my business has doubled. Her insights, questions and challenges stretched my idea of what being in business meant.”
Results:“Now I am doubly successful and professionally fulfilled.”
Management Consultant, Toronto
“Joyce’s coaching helped me define my objectives and provided a structure to ensure I continued taking steps to achieve them – avoiding ‘the shoemaker’s children go barefoot’ syndrome.”
Results: A business strategy that successfully addressed changing market conditions
Leadership Coaching
Finance Executive, Toronto
“Joyce’s coaching helped me enormously. I’ve been opened to seeing my issues from a fresh perspective. Her coaching is challenging but never intrusive or judgmental. She is a neutral ally… It has been with Joyce’s help that I realized no problem is insurmountable. Coaching has been one of the wisest developmental choices I’ve made.”
Results: Succeeded in new management role
Managing Partner, Toronto Law Firm
“With Joyce’s insight and guidance, I have learned to look beyond the immediate behaviours and to manage and ‘coach’ the actual people.”
Results: Improved bottom line and overall office environment
Career Coaching
Marketing Associate, Toronto
“As a young professional, I would highly recommend Joyce to provide direction in your career and chase your dream job. It was one of the best career decisions I have ever made! Before meeting Joyce, I felt like my search for new employment was going in circles and lacked direction. Joyce helped me to focus my search and craft my story to position myself as an attractive candidate for the kind of employers I wanted.”
Results: “I was able to achieve my lofty employment goals and found a job that I can say I am proud of!”
Lawyer, Toronto Law Firm
“In only one coaching conversation, Joyce helped me to make sense of the feedback I’d received as an articling student and to practically apply that increased self-awareness to improve both my professional and personal life.”
Results: “I aced my next job interview and am now enjoying a successful law career at a firm that is a good fit.”
Sales Executive, Toronto
“Joyce was exceptionally helpful in my job search. She reviewed and revised my resume to help me get an interview; and then helped me prepare for the interview. We reviewed the job description and Joyce asked me very relevant questions. She listened to my answers and helped me improve upon my
answers – in my own style -so they were both truthful and not canned. It gave me confidence going in and helped me get the position. I have recommended many people to Joyce and everyone has had the same experience. Joyce knows how to listen, ask the right questions and help you get to where you want to be.”
Results: Successful job search
Lawyer in Transition from Outside Canada
“Working with Joyce Kaplan has been a valuable investment in my career development. I started the coaching after returning to Toronto from working overseas. I always get answers to the questions I bring to the coaching session, but in fresh, unexpected and motivating ways. I would highly recommend Joyce’s services for any lawyer in a period of career transition or looking for greater professional guidance and feedback.”
Results:“Joyce helped me set long term career goals and plan and execute next steps – including getting a job and succeeding in that new role.”
Return to Work Coaching
Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist with a Long Term Disability Insurer, Toronto
“Joyce has become my Go-To-Person for my professional clients who are in the midst of a career and/or lifestyle change brought on by unforeseen circumstances. She helps them find their direction and negotiate the changes at a difficult time with insight, empathy and encouragement.”
Results: “The outcomes have all been successful and each one of my clients has thanked me for referring them to Joyce.”
Medical Doctor, Toronto
“Joyce coached me through my transitioning back to practising medicine after a long period of disability spent recovering from drug addiction. She ensured I took all the right steps, in the right order, to enable me to achieve my goal of opening the doors to my new practice in Addiction Medicine, and to do so in a smooth and timely manner.
More importantly, Joyce was able to sense the barriers from my past that were holding me back, and through her coaching to uncover ways to leave these barriers behind, to design and embrace a future that will address my desire to help others, allow me to express my creativity, and enrich my well-being in the long term. Joyce is holistic in her approach, practical in her suggestions, and both focused and intuitive in her listening; through her coaching I was able to get clear about what to do and how to do it. I highly recommend Joyce to anyone who finds themselves at a crossroads – and I hope that at least some of my patients will choose to reward themselves by enlisting her services.”
Results: Successfully back at work in a fulfilling sustainable capacity
Team Coaching
Office Manager, Toronto
“We could not have done it without Joyce.”
Results: 100% staff retention, less overtime, reduced conflict. Culturally-diverse co-workers originally described by the Office Manager as “all coming to work with their dukes up” were transformed into a collaborative team. This was achieved through defining and committing to shared goals, communication skills training and role and process clarification.
Based on participant evaluations from all events held in the year by the Canadian Tamil Alumni Association
“You were our highest ranked speaker for 2013 – 9.2/10”
For more information, you can
- Contact Joyce
- Read about Joyce’s business or lawyer or career coaching solutions or her approach to coaching
- Read Joyce’s latest post or her poetry